Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to living in the quiet countryside. He struggles to form...
The infamous Prince Li Shubai of the Hou family suffers an accident while fleeing an arranged marriage. Upon his return to the Hou Mansion, he learns...
Five years have passed since Golf "passed away". Bank has never forgotten the love and sacrifice from his step-brother. On the day of his graduation...
Love Keeps Going is a 2011 Taiwanese drama starring Cyndi Wang, Mike He and Eli Shih. It is based on Taiwanese novel, Wang's Love Song.
It was first...
Banned from the Bible is a documentary television series that originally aired on the History Channel as Time Machine: Banned from the Bible in 2003....
A very depressing story of a girl named Aida, an acid attack survivor. She is a beautiful, innocent and docile girl with a sensitive heart who later...