The Man from Snowy River is an Australian television series based on Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River". Released in Australia as Banjo...
Fievel's American Tails is an American/Canadian animated television series, produced by Steven Spielberg's Amblimation animation studio, Nelvana, and...
Fame is the Spur is a British television series which first aired on the BBC in 1982. It was based on the novel Fame is the Spur by Howard Spring. It...
Yoshino Hikari is a young woman with a bright and friendly personality. She quits her job working at a credit association in her hometown in order to...
A brave general's daughter and a young emperor, initially at odds, gradually fall in love as they overcome challenges, working together to strengthen...
Eleni and Konstantinos are two totally different people who are forced to live under the same roof, because they are in the middle of the proceedings...
Fancy Aunty, a wedding planner and the owner of a marriage hall encounters a group of aliens from Jupiter who are on a mission and hires them as her...