A young wanderer with an extraordinary business sense and a masked hero saves her resulting in them falling in love. When the wanderer is revealed to...
Azu Takamori is 30-years-old and married to Junpei. They have a 5-year-old daughter. She runs a nail shop out of her house. Azu Takamori has a happy...
A rumor states that if you take a photo of someone you like with your cellphone and keep it hidden, they'll fall for you. Will Makoto win his love by...
Story of two best friends Lu Ke and Shen Si Yi, who has contrasting personalities but are each other's closest friends. Their relationship broke down...
An adorable love story of Park Ji Yong, a good-looking home shopping host, and Sohn Ana, a secluded girl who never leaves home and whose only joy of...