Set in 1960-1970 New York, this sexy, stylized and provocative drama follows the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue...
Kashiwagi Kokoro is a university student. He enjoys his campus life and has begun dating Kamijo Sayo. One day, his ex-girlfriend Omori Ringo, who is...
Seung Jun has been a wedding singer for many years and has become bored with this job. He no longer has any illusions about the romance people yearn...
1978. Cherkasov's group begins a new investigation: a young gamer Kira Miller and her lover Colonel Potapenko were killed at a dacha near Moscow. It...
Degrassi High is the third television show in the Degrassi series of teen dramas about the lives of a group of teenagers living on or near De Grassi...
Xia Ruining, a strong-willed student at Xiling University's Cultural Institute, meets brothers Ye Lin and Ye Miao, whose family has preserved ancient...