The story begins when a white-collar worker discovers old records in her childhood home which takes the story to the end of Qing and the beginning of...
During the Republic of China, Feng Xiao, the adopted son of a wealthy businessman, and Lin Wanxiu, the adopted daughter of a warlord, are married but...
In the spring of 1931, after the Communist Party successfully set up many communication stations in China, they set their sight on Western Europe and...
Jiang Shuo is in the business of buying haunted houses and selling them. He crosses paths with Qin Yi Heng, a psychologist searching for his father,...
Hazal, beautiful young girl is engajed with Kenan, handsome young fisherman. The day before their wedding, Hazal is forced to marry Vural, successful...
Getter Robo Go, also known as Venger Robo or Venger Robot Go outside of Japan, is a Japanese mecha anime and manga series created by Go Nagai and Ken...