The Great Adventure is a historical anthology series that appeared on CBS for the 1963-1964 television season. The series, narrated each week by Van...
Ford Star Jubilee is an American anthology series that aired once a month on Saturday nights on CBS at 9:00 P.M., E.S.T. from the fall of 1955 to the...
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. Sponsored by Kraft Foods, it was seen three weeks...
Stories of women facing various hardships, from love to issues of social interest such as domestic violence, unviable pregnancies, illegal adoptions,...
The story of the first 2,300 years of humanity and recounts events exclusively from that period. The plot begins by giving us a greater understanding...
The Doctor is a Time Lord: a 900 year old alien with 2 hearts, part of a gifted civilization who mastered time travel. The Doctor saves planets for a...